The Primeval History, Readings 1 – 6
Stories of our earliest history, exploring the relationship between God and humankind.
Stories of the Patriarchs, Readings 7 – 17
The origins of the people of Israel, in God’s call to Abraham and his family.
God’s decisive intervention to rescue his people from slavery in Egypt.
Israel at Sinai, Readings 24 – 30
Israel becomes God’s ‘covenant’ people, through whom he will reveal himself to the world.
Israel in the Wilderness, Readings 31 – 42
God’s care for israel in the wilderness, and their lack of faithfulness.
Mark’s Gospel, Readings 43 – 51
The earliest account of Jesus’ life and ministry.
Israel’s History from Joshua to Samuel, Readings 52 – 67
The conquest of the Promised Land and the stories of the judges.
Israel’s History from Saul to Solomon, Readings 68 – 87
The history of the united monarchy, including Israel’s greatest king, David.
The Wisdom Literature, Readings 88 – 94
Israel’s earliest wisdom writings, and the world’s most beautiful love song.