These shorter articles cover a variety of aspects of ministerial formation.
Taken from the course ‘Future Church’, written for the Lichfield Diocesan Local Ministry Scheme, this article sets out a theological rationale for collaborative styles of ministry.
Local Ministry in the New Testament
Also taken from ‘Future Church’, this article explores the way ministry developed in the New Testament period. It sketches in the relationship between local ministers, both lay and ordained, and nationally recognised ministry.
A brief summary of the distilled wisdom of various Church leaders on the process of change management.
One of the most important elements of church leadership is the responsible handling of power. This article distinguishes between power and authority and shows how, when power is exercised within proper authority, it becomes life-giving.
This article has been newly updated for the Oxford Diocesan website. It explains the theological rationale for the discipline of Sabbath and suggests how we might build Sabbath into our working patterns.