Israel’s History from Josiah to the Exile, Readings 183 – 216
The brief period of renewal under Josiah, inspired by the book of Deuteronomy, followed by defeat and exile. This period saw the ministry of the prophet Jeremiah in Judah, and the call and early ministry of Ezekiel in Babylon.
Paul’s Letters from Prison, Readings 217 – 227
In his later letters, Paul reflects on the Christian life in the letters to the Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, Philemon, timothy and Titus. This section also includes 1 Peter.
The Wisdom Literature 2, Readings 228 – 243
The later chapters of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Job reflect on the nature of wisdom, the fragility of life, and especially the meaning of suffering.
The Work of the Chronicler, Readings 244 – 259
The Chronicle is the second cycle of Israel’s history, compiled in the 4th century BC and focusing on the worship of the Temple.
Israel in Exile: Promises of Restoration, Readings 260 – 277
More of the literature of the exile, culminating in the prophecies of Isaiah of Babylon and his vision of the suffering of God’s Servant.