A new look at ministry. David argues that the professional paradigm of ministry, which originated in the nineteenth century is now outdated and that a new model is required for the twenty-first. Any new model must have its foundation in the mission of God. This means it will be primarily kingdom-orientated rather than simply church-centred. The model must also apply primarily to the ministry of the whole church and then subsequently to the ordained minister within it.
David argues that the Servant of the Lord in Isaiah provides a biblical basis for the model of ministry we need today.
Every generation of Christian needs to both practise the ministry they are given, and to imagine the ministry that could be, in order to face the day-to-day challenges of contemporary life. In this timely, wise and illuminating book, David Heywood offers a manifesto for ministry that will help the whole Church to re-think, re-imagine and re-work the particular paradigms for mission and ministry that need addressing. This is a ‘must read’ book for all those who practise ministry and for all who want to glimpse some fresh vision for tomorrow’s Church.
Martyn Percy, Principal, Ripon College Cuddesdon
David Heywood proposes that mission be re-imagined as ‘whole-life’ discipleship in the world. This incarnational approach makes an important contribution to the ongoing debate about the future of the Church’s mission and ministry in the twenty-first century.
Alan Smith, Bishop of St Alban’s
Heywood offers an accessible distillation of a great deal of writing on mission and ministry over recent years. I hope many experienced clergy and lay ministers, as well as those in training, will read this book. It is as much an account of how the C of E has already been reshaping its ministry as it is a proposal for future development.
Graham James, Bishop of Norwich, Church Times
An exciting and theologically astute proposal for future ministry.
Tiffany Conlin, Director of Pastoral Studies, Westcott House, Theology
Buy Reimagining Ministry from SCM here.